Architectural Control
By-laws and Covenants
Clubhouse Rental
Conveyance Of Common Area
Deed Restrictions
New Resident
Trash Services
Country Village is a member of the BFSN. The BFSN Council has 28 council delegates who represent an equal number of civic associations and stakeholders and is one of the largest of all of the 53 recognized super neighborhood councils in Houston.
As a stakeholder within the boundaries of the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood there are several ways you can participate in the Super Neighborhood. If you are an HOA, non-profit, business, or education organization, you are eligible to be represented on the Super Neighborhood Council by a voting delegate. If you would like to join the Council please send an email to
There are no dues associated with the Super Neighborhood. All residents within the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood boundaries are eligible and encouraged to participate on a committee. There is no requirement to be on the Council to participate on a committee. For more information regarding the Super Neighborhood system, please review the the official City of Houston Super Neighborhoods website.
The Council’s Regular General Sessions are open to the public and BFSNC meeting days are announced on the home page in advance.
We don't store all of the community's documents on the website. If there's a specific document you need but don't see listed here on the website, please contact the Property Manager (below left) and they will assist you.
Copyright © Country Village.